"Don't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the further you get" Michael Phelps


Fitness Philosophy:

Find out what you love about fitness and use that as the driver to find your best self.

Fun Fact:

I have been a competitive swimming my whole life. Another fun fact about me is that I’m the biggest Pokémon fan you will ever meet!


  • Certificate III & IV in Fitness

What makes life great for me:

I get to do all the things I love each day. I get to spend quality time with family and friends, taking the dogs for a walk along the lake and traveling around out beautiful country. What also makes life great for me is being able to do what I love in teaching Yoga and Pilates, as well as Personal Training, lifting weights and churning out laps in the pool. I also really enjoy the fact I get to work with so many amazing people of all different ages and abilities in each of my work roles.