Mates keep mates in exercise and while there are advantages to training alone, working out with a mate is where it’s at; you’re working out for yourself and doing it for your mate too. Here are seven reasons why you should consider asking someone to be your workout buddy:

They help keep you accountable

Do you find yourself hitting the snooze button too often? Training with a mate means you are more likely to commit to your gym sessions, as you will have more motivation knowing your mate is relying on you to come and train with them. Getting yourself a gym buddy who has a similar work/life schedule to you is a great way to ensure you can meet at the gym at a time that benefits the both of you.

Someone to celebrate your wins with

High-fiving yourself is no fun… When you achieve a personal best, you want to shout it from the rooftops. Having your best mate there to cheer you on can make you feel invincible. Their support allows you to push yourself to the next level. Be sure to return the favour and celebrate loudly when your mate accomplishes something great too.

They help you stay motivated

When you say your goals out loud, you are more likely to achieve them. It can be very motivating to have someone working out beside you who knows your fitness goals – even better, set fitness goals together and work towards achieving them. You can also use incentives to motivate each other. Our favourite incentive is a coffee from Wellness Café for whoever can row the furthest in 1 minute.

They make training more fun

Perhaps our favourite reason for training with a friend… IT’S MORE FUN! Moving with a mate means you are less likely to get bored, and the time will pass before you know it. Ending a session with your cheeks hurting from laughter is the best.

Hot tip: Choose a training buddy who you don’t see often and let the gym be the place you catch up and reconnect.

It makes you try new things

Your buddy is likely to bring new, fresh ideas to your workout routine. Use your session to learn from each other and experiment with different workouts. This will make your training routine more exciting. If you are looking for inspiration, check out our YouTube videos showing a range of different training styles such as Yoga, Functional Training, Strength and Dance.

It’s safer

Training with a mate who is experienced at working out is great as they can give you instant feedback on technique and correct any misalignments. Plus, you won’t have to muster up the courage to ask a random in the gym to spot you when your mate is by your side.

You get to recover together

The best part of your workout could be the socialisation at the end. After you’ve finished a great workout, grab a coffee or smoothie from Wellness Café together – you’ve earnt it!